About Us

Are you a brand or agency representing brands that loves the idea of Influencer marketing but have struggled to gain traction or to build much of a following?

Are you new to influencer marketing, but would like to engage with a solution that works, is cost effective and delivers REAL results?


Influencia has been built with you, our client in mind.

Influencer marketing has been around for the best part of a decade, and all the indicators suggest this is going from strength to strength. More brands than ever before are using influencers to broaden their reach and to get key messages more exposure.

However. Outside of a handful of cases, influencer marketing is a failure when it comes to showing deliverable results. This is because many influencer networks take charge, they restrict what brands can see about their influencers; and focus on a handful of larger influencers who are both expensive for brands, and who tend to lose sight of the key marketing messages that brands would like to get across.

Indeed in a recent survey by Mediakix, 61% of marketeers consider finding relevant influencers for a campaign difficult. If you don’t partner with the right influencers for your product, the campaign is doomed to fail from the start.

At Influencia, we’re different. Our influencer community is made up of real people. Engaged. Active. Enthusiastic. Many of our influencers are micro influencers, who do much more to amplify the messages put out through the network. They work hard and they’re very effective. Our micro influencers actually influence their friends and followers more than an influencer brand; while rather than charging per campaign, with Influencia, we charge one monthly fee for brands to engage with our network of influencers.

It’s like an affiliate network for influencers – except one where you are in control!

You control the messaging, you control the assets, you control when and where posts are made. Massive reach. Lots of shares. You get the messages that you want, to the audience you want. And create lots and lots of noise online that will grow your brand.

Influencia for Influencers

It’s not just our clients who benefit from Influencia. There’s around a million influencers out there, and the majority of influencers struggle to survive financially, with a handful of influencers with large followings receiving the majority of the funding that brands provide for influencer marketing.

At Influencia, we look after our influencers and we share love with influencers with followings of all sizes. You can join our network for free and start earning from your social media following today. You will receive a split of all client payments, based on the noise you make online. In many cases, this may be for simply doing what you’re doing now, sharing content, competitions and products with your friends.